Email Notifications Using Airtable and Make

The client is a company that operates nationally in the heavy equipment and construction industries in Australia. The quality assurance software that they were using was inflexible and inadequate for their needs, causing frustrations between them and the software vendor. Even small changes would require long periods of time, not to mention cost.

Together with other no code developers, StructLabs develop a solution using Airtable, Stacker and Integromat (Make). StructLabs specifically developed several automations in Airtable and Make to automate email notifications based on status changes of records in airtable. These status changes were mostly triggered by users via stacker, with some time-based triggers.

At the end of the project, the client were happy and here is what they had to say about the no code project team that StructLabs was apart of:

"They listened and quickly got what we were after. [They] built a solution with Airtable, Stacker and Integromat (Make). They all seem like good tools, but what has impressed us is how much we have been able to shape our quality assurance app into precisely what we need it to be. We've been able to test the app as we go and get both small and significant changes implemented quickly. For someone like me who is trying to make it easy for people in our company to report on and follow up on quality events and audits, creating a solution with [the no code project team] has been a refreshing change!"

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StructLabs is a no code and low code software development firm.

Our goal is to build software for business to help them structure, automate and optimize their processes and workflows. Brandmark

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Using the best automation and low code platforms in the market, you are able to design the way you work, build your own applications and automations based on your workflow, and ultimately streamline your business for peak productivity and efficiency. But do not do this all by yourself!  Let us show you and help you achieve the results you want.